
"colonizador" in English

"colonizador" in English
pioneer{noun} (settler)
Los turcochipriotas están atrapados por unas tenazas: por un lado, están amenazados por colonizadores turcos y, por otro, por la fortaleza económica de los grecochipriotas.
Turkish Cypriots are trapped in a pincer: they are threatened on the one hand by Turkish settlers and on the other by the economic strength of the Greek Cypriots.

Context examples for "colonizador" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señora Presidenta, soy de Bélgica, un país antaño colonizador, cuyos vínculos emocionales con la República Democrática del Congo nunca se han roto.
Madam President, I come from what was once a colonising country, Belgium, whose emotional ties with the Democratic Republic of Congo have never been cut.
Mientras Europa dé a los africanos motivos para considerarlo el colonizador que una vez fue, nos faltará la autoridad moral para poder contribuir a la mejora.
As long as Europe gives Africans cause to see it as the coloniser that it once was, we will lack the moral authority to be able to contribute to improvement.
Mientras Europa dé a los africanos motivos para considerarlo el colonizador que una vez fue, nos faltará la autoridad moral para poder contribuir a la mejora.
The political opposition, the rich farmers, the poor slums and the market traders became in turn the victims of his activities aimed at intimidating and destroying them.