
"to cohabit" in Spanish

"to cohabit" in Spanish
to cohabit with sb
cohabitar con algn
In any case, I would like the second part to be put to the vote, so that discrimination in social security systems against people of the same sex who cohabit can be voted on.
En cualquier caso quiero que se vote sobre la segunda vuelta y sobre las discriminaciones en el sistema social contra las personas del mismo sexo que estén cohabitando.
Incidentally, we are not only talking about same-sex couples; a growing number of men and women choose not to marry and prefer to cohabit but without losing all their rights.
Resulta que no sólo estamos hablando de parejas del mismo sexo; un número cada vez más alto de hombres y mujeres deciden no casarse y prefieren cohabitar pero sin perder todos sus derechos.

Context examples for "to cohabit" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Insects are not pleasant creatures, but we have to cohabit with them.
Los insectos no son criaturas agradables, pero tenemos que convivir con ellos.
We should encourage the use of technologies that allow different services to cohabit.
Debemos fomentar el uso de tecnologías que permitan la coexistencia de diferentes servicios.
to cohabit with sb
cohabitar con algn
to cohabit
vivir en concubinato
You would think that two nations that are quite close to each other, the Hebrews and the Arabs, could cohabit, but not under the conditions of a hierarchical system.
Se podría pensar que dos naciones tan cercanas la una a la otra (los hebreos y los árabes) podrían vivir juntas, aunque no en las condiciones de un sistema jerárquico.
We should also like to see more Member States change their legislation so that it recognises registered partnerships for homosexuals and the circumstances in which they cohabit.
Además, nos gustaría que más Estados miembros modificaran sus legislaciones para reconocer a las parejas de hecho registradas y a las parejas formadas por homosexuales.