
"cocinando" in English

"cocinando" in English
cocinar{transitive verb}
Señor van Mierlo, los ciudadanos no quieren solamente pan y espectáculos, quieren saber quién, cómo y con qué cocina en la cocina y qué es lo que se está cocinando.
The citizens, Mr van Mierlo, want more than just bread and circuses - they want to know what's cooking, and who is cooking it, and how, and what with.
cocinar[cocinando · cocinado] {transitive verb}
Roth ha dicho: todos los ciudadanos quieren ponerse a cocinar.
Mrs Roth declares that all citizens want to cook.
Y en cuanto a cocinar, el pescado ya viene cocinado.
And when it comes to cooking, the fish are already cooked.
Muchas personas no tienen tiempo para ello, muchos han olvidado cómo cocinar o nunca lo han aprendido, sobre todo.
Many do not have the time to do it, while all too many have forgotten how to cook or never learned in the first place.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "cocinar":
Context examples for "cocinando" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
es una artista cocinando
she's a real artist in the kitchen
es una artista cocinando
she's a great cook
Ya sean socialistas o conservadores, pretenden continuar cocinando sin debate democrático, prefieren el cónclave vaticanesco al debate democrático.
Whether they are socialist or conservative they want to go about their business without any democratic debate, preferring a Vatican-style conclave instead.
Señor van Mierlo, los ciudadanos no quieren solamente pan y espectáculos, quieren saber quién, cómo y con qué cocina en la cocina y qué es lo que se está cocinando.
The citizens, Mr van Mierlo, want more than just bread and circuses - they want to know what's cooking, and who is cooking it, and how, and what with.