
"civilizar" in English

"civilizar" in English
civilizar{transitive verb}
Señor Presidente, creo que es una gran lástima que un país que se llama civilizado como los Estados Unidos tenga que ser criticado en este Parlamento.
Mr President, I think it is a terrible shame that a so-called civilized country like the United States has to be criticized in this Parliament.
Es realmente una vergüenza para un pueblo civilizado y para los países civilizados.
It truly shames civilized people and civilized countries.
Esto es totalmente inaceptable en una sociedad que se proclama civilizada.
This is quite unacceptable in a society which claims to be civilized.

Context examples for "civilizar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Aspiraban simplemente a civilizar el mundo moderno, a humanizar la mundialización.
Their ambition was quite simply to make the modern world more civilised, to make globalisation more human.
También eso tiene que ayudar a civilizar la globalización, y saludamos que la Presidencia belga haya tomado esa iniciativa.
That must also contribute to making globalisation more civilised, and we welcome the fact that the Belgian presidency has taken that initiative.