
"centrist" in Spanish

"centrist" in Spanish
You describe yourself as a centrist, a reformer and a Social Democrat, but you belong to the conservative group.
Usted se autocalifica de centrista, reformista y socialdemócrata, pero pertenece al grupo conservador.
But, Mr Bourlanges, thirty years ago you were a Gaullist and now you are the opposite of a Gaullist, since you are a centrist.
Pero, señor Bourlanges, Su Señoría era gaullista hace treinta años y hoy es lo contrario, pues es centrista.
The sea is going to rise and we are all going to drown except, of course, for our centrist colleagues who know how to swim.
El mar subiría y nos ahogaríamos todos salvo, evidentemente, nuestros colegas centristas que saben nadar.
You describe yourself as a centrist, a reformer and a Social Democrat, but you belong to the conservative group.
Usted se autocalifica de centrista, reformista y socialdemócrata, pero pertenece al grupo conservador.
But, Mr Bourlanges, thirty years ago you were a Gaullist and now you are the opposite of a Gaullist, since you are a centrist.
Pero, señor Bourlanges, Su Señoría era gaullista hace treinta años y hoy es lo contrario, pues es centrista.
The sea is going to rise and we are all going to drown except, of course, for our centrist colleagues who know how to swim.
El mar subiría y nos ahogaríamos todos salvo, evidentemente, nuestros colegas centristas que saben nadar.

Context examples for "centrist" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I shall adopt a more Euro-centric, more Euro-centrist view in addressing this and associated issues, as follows:
Yo voy a adoptar una perspectiva más eurocéntrica, más eurocentrista, al tratar este problema y sus derivados en el siguiente sentido:
Competence means power, and the creation of an area of freedom, security and justice is paving the way for an appalling form of centrist EU control.
Solamente puedo añadir que, desde mi punto de vista, la diferencia que existe entre la clase política de Europa y los hombres y mujeres de la calle nunca ha sido mayor.
Many projects intended for developing countries have failed due to the adoption of an absolutist, Western-centrist approach, whether from Europe or the United States.
Muchos proyectos dirigidos a países en desarrollo han fracasado debido a la adopción de un enfoque absolutista y centrado en Occidente, ya sea por parte de Europa o de Estados Unidos.