
"central nuclear" in English

"central nuclear" in English
central nuclear{feminine}
La central nuclear de Temelin pone a prueba la credibilidad de esta Asamblea.
The Temelin nuclear power station is a yardstick of the credibility of this House.
¿Debe una central nuclear como Ignalina hundir los precios del mercado europeo?
Should an Ignalina nuclear power station price-dump on the European market?
Por cierto, Polonia está planificando en la actualidad una nueva central nuclear.
Incidentally, Poland is currently planning a new nuclear power station.
nuke{noun} (power plant)

Similar translations for "central nuclear" in English
Context examples for "central nuclear" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señor Comisario,¿hay un calendario para poner fuera de servicio la central nuclear?
Is there a timetable for the decommissioning of this nuclear plant, Commissioner?
Señor Comisario, ¿hay un calendario para poner fuera de servicio la central nuclear?
Is there a timetable for the decommissioning of this nuclear plant, Commissioner?
La central nuclear de Temelin pone a prueba la credibilidad de esta Asamblea.
The Temelin nuclear power station is a yardstick of the credibility of this House.
¿Debe una central nuclear como Ignalina hundir los precios del mercado europeo?
Should an Ignalina nuclear power station price-dump on the European market?
La radiación de la central nuclear de Fukushima está aumentando drásticamente.
Radiation from the nuclear power plant in Fukushima is rising dramatically.
Aquí me refiero especialmente a la central nuclear de Ignalina y a su futuro.
This concerns above all the Ignalina nuclear power plant and what is to happen to it.
Además, en Lituania no se podrá construir una nueva central nuclear hasta 2014.
This link does not solve the problem of how to connect Lithuania to the EU energy system.
Por cierto, Polonia está planificando en la actualidad una nueva central nuclear.
Incidentally, Poland is currently planning a new nuclear power station.
Bulgaria ha decidido cerrar la central nuclear de Kozloduy inmediatamente.
Bulgaria has decided to close the Kozloduy nuclear power plant immediately.
Estábamos discutiendo sobre lo que haríamos si se construía una central nuclear.
We were discussing what to do if a nuclear power station were built.
La central nuclear de Medzamor debe cerrarse en 2004, tal como se ha acordado.
The nuclear power station in Medzamor must, as agreed, be shut down by no later than 2004.
Los daños de la central nuclear de Fukushima han suscitado gran preocupación.
The greatest anxiety is being aroused by the damage to the Fukushima nuclear power station.
Este país está proyectando la construcción de una nueva central nuclear en Ignalina.
Lithuania is planning to build a new nuclear power plant in Ignalina.
En cuanto a la central nuclear de Kozloduy, quiero decir lo siguiente.
As regards the nuclear power station at Kozloduy, I should like to say the following.
Señora Presidenta, Eslovenia explota una central nuclear cerca de la frontera austríaca.
Madam President, Slovenia is operating a nuclear power station near the Austrian border.
Como quizás ya sepan, la central nuclear de Krško se encuentra situada en esta línea divisoria.
As you perhaps know, the Krško nuclear power plant is situated on this fault line.
Japón nos ha demostrado con qué facilidad se puede perder el control de una central nuclear.
Japan has shown us how easily a nuclear power plant can get out of control.
...1986 y la fusión nuclear accidental de una central nuclear anticuada.
.... 1986 and the nuclear meltdown of an outdated nuclear power plant.
En la Unión Europea tenemos la central nuclear de Forsmark en Suecia.
In the European Union we have the Forsmark atomic power plant in Sweden.
No se construye ninguna central nuclear sin asegurarse de que resistirá las inundaciones.
No power plant is built without ensuring that it is flood-resistant.