
"casaca" in English

"casaca" in English
tunic{noun} (women's blouse, jacket)
riding jacket{noun} [equest.]

Context examples for "casaca" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Casaca por su estrecha cooperación.
I would quite particularly like to thank Mr Casaca for his close cooperation.
El informe Casaca hace hincapié también en otras dos situaciones intolerables.
The Casaca report also highlights two other intolerable states of affairs.
I would also like to address a few words to the principal rapporteur, Mr Casaca.
El señor Casaca me ha pedido que me ciña al tema, y lo hago con mucho gusto.
Mr Casaca has bidden me keep to the subject, and that I am happy to do.
Ciertamente tampoco esperamos que el Consejo apoye nuestra posición sobre el informe Casaca.
We certainly do not expect the Council to support our position on the Casaca Report.
Señor Presidente, en la votación final nuestro Grupo ha votado en contra del informe Casaca.
Mr President, in the final vote, our group voted against the Casaca report.
Casaca ha hecho un muy buen esfuerzo por explicárselo al Parlamento.
Mr Casaca has made a very good effort to explain it to Parliament.
Casaca, podemos dar nuestro apoyo a todas ellas.
In relation to the amendments proposed by Mr Casaca, we can support all of them.
Casaca tiene razón cuando expresa su inquietud por las irregularidades.
Mr Casaca was right to express concerns about irregularities.
Mis colegas Thomas Mann, Paulo Casaca y otros han hablado al respecto abundantemente.
Mr Mann, Mr Casaca and others have spoken about it at length.
Casaca describe pormenorizadamente la próxima reforma.
Mr Casaca's report goes into the forthcoming reform in detail.
Casaca en nombre de mi grupo.
I should also like to congratulate Mr Casaca on behalf of my group.
Sí, señor Casaca, había pedido usted la palabra.
I clearly heard Mrs De Keyser’ s comment that this dialogue amounted only to words.
Les pediría que nos concentráramos en lo que vamos a votar, que es el informe del señor Casaca.
I would ask that we concentrate on what we are due to vote on, which is to say Mr Casaca's report.
I should also like to thank you, Mr Casaca, for your report.
El señor Casaca acaba de recordarnos el contexto político de la invasión de Iraq y sus consecuencias.
Mr Casaca has just recalled the political context of the invasion of Iraq and its consequences.
Casaca por su exhaustivo informe.
. Mr President, honourable Members, I would like to thank Mr Casaca for his comprehensive report.
Señor Presidente, quisiera dar las gracias al señor Casaca por un informe excelente, interesante y útil.
Mr President, I would like to thank Mr Casaca for a very good, interesting and useful report.
También lo han comentado el señor Stevenson y el señor Casaca.
This point was also raised by Mr Stevenson and by Mr Casaca.
Por tanto, pido a mis colegas diputados que respalden ampliamente y aprueben el informe Casaca.
I therefore call on all my fellow Members to give a large measure of backing and approve the Casaca report.