
"cansada" in English

"cansada" in English
cansada{adjective feminine}
cansada{adjective feminine}

Context examples for "cansada" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Estuvimos votando tanto tiempo que salí muy cansada y se me olvidó firmar.
The vote took so long and I was so tired by the time I left that I forgot to sign.
Estoy cansada de escribir resoluciones y de hacer de mediadora: hay que poner en práctica las resoluciones.
I am tired of writing resolutions and building bridges: the resolutions need to be enforced.
Ésta es la razón por la que la lectura en pantalla puede resultar cansada.
This is why on-screen reading can be tiring.
Lo cierto es que estoy bastante cansada del tema esta tarde.
I am therefore rather tired of the matter this evening.
No basta con que la Comisaria diga que estaba cansada, por lo que no podía intervenir ante nosotros.
It is not enough that the Commissioner should say that she was tired and therefore unable to speak to us.
Hoy he leído una carta de una ONG en la que se decía que estaba cansada de felicitar a las instituciones.
Today I looked at a briefing from an NGO which said that it was weary of congratulating institutions.
Hablando claro, estoy cansada de tener que escuchar este comentario sin poder contradecirlo con franqueza.
To be frank, I am tired of having to listen to this remark without being able in all honesty to contradict it.
Creo que no sólo nosotros, sino también la presidencia, que ha funcionado a la perfección, ya está un poco cansada.
I think that not only we, but also the Chair which has performed so well, are getting a little tired.
estoy cansada de batallar todo el día con estos niños
I'm tired of battling with these kids all day long
esta noche paso de salir, estoy muy cansada
I don't feel like going out tonight, I'm very tired
Tras cinco elecciones en otros tantos años, la población está comprensiblemente cansada de todas las peleas políticas.
After five elections in as many years, the population is understandably tired of all the political squabbling.
estaba tan cansada que ni se desnudó
she was so tired that she didn't even get undressed
debes estar cansada después de tanto conducir
you must be tired after all that driving
debes estar cansada después de tanto manejar
you must be tired after all that driving
Estoy cansada de nuestras hipocresías, cansada de seguir así, mientras cada día se destruyen casas y mueren niños.
I am tired of our hypocrisies, tired of this way of going on, where every day houses are being destroyed and children are being killed.
Comprendo perfectamente que la gente esté cansada de todo este fraude y exija por ello un Ministerio Fiscal comunitario.
I can well understand people's being tired of all the fraud and therefore demanding that we have a common public prosecutor's office.
Comprendo perfectamente que la gente esté cansada de todo este fraude y exija por ello un Ministerio Fiscal comunitario.
I can well understand people' s being tired of all the fraud and therefore demanding that we have a common public prosecutor' s office.
parece que estuviera siempre cansada
she looks permanently tired
siempre tiene cara de cansada
she looks permanently tired
se sentía cansada y sin fuerzas
she felt tired and limp