
"cancillería" in English

"cancillería" in English
A esta Secretaria Apostolica se pueden remontar la Cancillería de los Breves, la Secretaría de los Breves a los Príncipes y la Secretaría de las Cartas Latinas.
One can also trace to this Secretaria Apostolica the Chancery of Briefs, the Secretariat of Briefs to Princes and the Secretariat of Latin Letters.
chancellery{noun} [pol.]
En el desempeño de sus tareas gubernamentales, el Consejo Federal es asesorado y apoyado por la Cancillería Federal.
The Federal Council is assisted and advised on the running of its business by the Federal Chancellery.

Context examples for "cancillería" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
un organismo autónomo (Cancillería de los Breves Apostólicos),
Apostolic Briefs), had the duty of preparing and dispatching
accedió a la cancillería por designación real
he became chancellor by royal appointment
Para hacer frente a estos fallos hemos presentado una enmienda que presupone que los diputados se comprometan a no aceptar donaciones, ya sea destinadas a ellos mismos o a su cancillería.
In order to put right these flaws we have submitted amendments to oblige Members not to accept gifts, whether they are personal gifts or gifts to their offices.
Gerhard Schröder, uno de los candidatos a la cancillería alemana el próximo año, a un importante periódico alemán.
I would mention that the comments I referred to were made to a leading German newspaper by Mr Gerhard Schroeder, a candidate in next year's elections for German Chancellor.