
"canadiense" in English

"canadiense" in English
canadiense{adjective masculine/feminine}
Canuck{noun} [Amer.] [slg.]
Canadian{noun} (demonym)
Ésos son los cepos que el Gobierno canadiense no acaba de convencerse de que son crueles.
These are the traps that the Canadian Government does not agree are cruel.
2009 Premio Lifetime Achievement, otorgado por la Asociación Canadiense de Marketing.
2009 Lifetime Achievement Award granted by the Canadian Marketing Association.
En estos momentos el agua canadiense es objeto de interés para las multinacionales del sector.
Now, Canadian water is a particular target of the water multinationals.
canadiense{adjective masculine/feminine}
2009 Premio Lifetime Achievement, otorgado por la Asociación Canadiense de Marketing.
2009 Lifetime Achievement Award granted by the Canadian Marketing Association.
Ésos son los cepos que el Gobierno canadiense no acaba de convencerse de que son crueles.
These are the traps that the Canadian Government does not agree are cruel.
En estos momentos el agua canadiense es objeto de interés para las multinacionales del sector.
Now, Canadian water is a particular target of the water multinationals.

Context examples for "canadiense" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Inmediatamente después de firmar, el Gobierno canadiense nos dio a todos un bonito bolígrafo.
It has been said, and rightly, that mines hit the poorest regions hardest.
La exposición en el museo canadiense de la Civilización explora la cultura vibrante de la Haida.
Le Pigeon aux petits pois by Pablo Picasso, and La Pastorale, by Matisse are some of the most looked for paintings.
Rangers sufrió una derrota aplastante frente al equipo canadiense
Rangers lost heavily to the Canadian team
vas a necesitar algo de dinero canadiense
you'll need some Canadian currency
Pido al Gobierno canadiense y a la opinión pública que muestren el mismo respeto por nosotros, los europeos.
The mining project would destroy the landscape, polluting the rivers and waters of the whole region with cyanide, from Romania through Hungary to the Black Sea.
El Acuerdo, fruto de un gran esfuerzo por parte canadiense y rusa, no satisfizo al Consejo que solicitó una serie de mejoras.
The agreement was the result of major efforts by Canada and Russia, but it did not satisfy the Council, which asked for a series of improvements.
No obstante, para mi Grupo presenta algunos problemas que no proceden de la frecuente y abierta crítica a la parte canadiense.
Although this is a very thorough and open-minded report, my group has some difficulties with it, and that is not because it is so openly critical of the Canadians at various points.
Departamento de Patrimonio Canadiense, Red de Información del Patrimonio Canadiense (RDPC) y Cultura Online Canadiense (COC)
Taking an international perspective, senior speakers with extensive experience in Web development review and analyze the issues and impacts of networked cultural, natural and scientific heritage.
El Comisario Lamy y el Ministro de Comercio canadiense, el Sr. Pettigrew, informarán en la cumbre de diciembre sobre los resultados de su análisis del alcance potencial de ese posible acuerdo.
We have put a lot of work into preparing for this summit, which will be the last hosted by Prime Minister Chrétien, a long-standing true friend of Europe.