
"borregos" in English

Nos precipitamos todos en la misma dirección, cual manada de borregos, para hacernos creer los unos a los otros que los ferrocarriles solucionarán los problemas del transporte europeo.
We all dash along in the same direction, like a flock of sheep, trying to convince one another that the railways will solve Europe's transport problems.
Pero con su comportamiento de borregos, señor Presidente, los mercados acabarán por darse cuenta de que, a medio plazo, el euro será una moneda más segura que el dólar.
With their sheep-like behaviour, however, the markets will ultimately come to realise, Mr President, that, in the medium term, the euro will be a more secure currency than the dollar.
lamb{noun} (over one year old)
false rumor{noun} [Amer.]
false rumour{noun} [Brit.]
kid{noun} [coll.]

Synonyms (Spanish) for "borregos":
Context examples for "borregos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No obstante, tratamos al electorado irlandés como borregos en nuestro perjuicio.
However, we treat the Irish electorate as lemmings at our peril.
lo siguieron todos como borregos
they all followed him like sheep
seguir a algn como borregos
to follow sb like sheep