
"baronal" in English

"baronal" in English
baronal{adjective masculine/feminine}
"baronal" in Spanish
baronal{adjective masculine/feminine}
Mr Baron Crespo, I do not know who is due to speak in favour of this request.
Barón Crespo?
The Baron thinks he has power but has no authority, he is the king of fool.
El barón cree que es poderoso, pero en realidad no tiene autoridad alguna, es el rey de los bobos.
But as everybody knows, it is the Baron who holds ultimate control.
Pero, como todo el mundo sabe, es el barón quien realmente controla el asunto.
They are unable to compete with the rich agricultural barons.
No pueden competir con los ricos magnates agrícolas.
However, I cannot and will not persuade them that their hard-earned tax money should assist the purchase of another Mercedes for a cereal baron.
Sin embargo, no puedo convencerles de que el dinero de los impuestos ganado con el sudor de su frente ayude a comprar otro Mercedes a un magnate cerealero.
It is only in the recent past that the Irish Government has acted to confront the drug barons.
Hasta época reciente no ha actuado el Gobierno irlandés para enfrentarse a los magnates de las drogas.