
"balístico" in English

"balístico" in English
balístico{adjective masculine}
balístico{adjective masculine}
Ya no tiene ninguna capacidad nuclear y su potencial balístico está bajo control.
It no longer has any nuclear capability and its ballistic potential is under control.
Se cree que sigue poseyendo armas biológicas, misiles balísticos ilícitos y armas químicas.
It is believed still to possess biological weapons, illicit ballistic missiles and chemical weapons.
Hemos visto que Rusia no se ha hecho esperar ensayando el otro día un misil balístico intercontinental Steel RS 18.
We have seen that Russia did not waste any time, and the day before yesterday it tested a Steel RS 18 intercontinental ballistic missile.
shooting{adj.} [sports]

Context examples for "balístico" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Este sistema conduce a dejar fuera de combate, en el sentido balístico del término, a seis de ocho grupos políticos, que reúnen, no obstante, el 40 % de los diputados de este Parlamento.
The effect of this kind of system is to kick into touch six political groups out of eight - and yet those six groups account for 40 % of the Members of this House.
Por ejemplo, el 23 de abril de 2007, el vehículo de lanzamiento de satélites Polar del sistema balístico indio colocó el satélite científico italiano Agile en una órbita muy precisa.
For example, on 23 April 2007, the Italian scientific satellite Agile was launched by the Indian Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle rocket system into a very precise orbit.