
"arica" in English

"arica" in English

Context examples for "arica" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Estos dos países tienen recuerdos que vienen de largo, que se remontan a la Guerra del Pacífico en el siglo XIX, en la que Perú perdió Arica y Tacna a manos de Chile.
These two countries have very long memories, stretching back to the War of the Pacific in the 19th century, in which Peru lost Arica and Tacna to Chile.
No obstante, desde que el puerto libre de Arica se construyera en los años 60, ha habido un crecimiento sostenido de la emigración hacia los centros urbanos en búsqueda de trabajo.
However, ever since the free port of Arica was built in the 1960s, there has been steady emigration toward urban centers in search of work.
Asunto: Exportación de residuos mineros En la década de los 80 la empresa minera sueca Boliden exportó una gran cantidad de residuos tóxicos a Arica, en Chile.
Subject: Export of mining waste During the 1980s, the Swedish mining company Boliden exported a large quantity of toxic waste to Arica in Chile for treatment and recycling.
Estos dos países tienen recuerdos que vienen de largo, que se remontan a la Guerra del Pacífico en el siglo XIX, en la que Perú perdió Arica y Tacna a manos de Chile.
It is reminiscent of the method that was used against the former Zambian President Nkomo, whose ancestry was used as an excuse to deny him the right, having been defeated once, to stand again.
No obstante, desde que el puerto libre de Arica se construyera en los años 60, ha habido un crecimiento sostenido de la emigración hacia los centros urbanos en búsqueda de trabajo.
Local traditions and materials for maintenance are being replaced by inappropriate modern repair, and loss of population has diminished the workforce available for caring for the churches.