
"arenas movedizas" in English

"arenas movedizas" in English
arenas movedizas{feminine plural}
Camina por arenas movedizas en lo que a sus argumentos sobre este asunto se refiere.
It is on quicksand as far as its arguments are concerned on this issue.
Los intentos constantes de hacer una única política europea se construyen en arenas movedizas.
The relentless attempts to turn Europe into a political unity seem to be built on quicksand.
Me sigo temiendo que las previsiones financieras de la Comisión se alzan sobre arenas movedizas, pero ésta no puede ser la época de los recortes a corto plazo.
I still fear that the Commission's financial perspectives are built on quicksand, but this is not a time for short-sighted penny-pinching.

Similar translations for "arenas movedizas" in English
Context examples for "arenas movedizas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
absoluta para todos; la vida social se adentra en las arenas movedizas de un
ventures on to the shifting sands of complete relativism.
Señor Presidente, cuando comenzamos este trabajo éramos conscientes de que nos movíamos sobre arenas movedizas.
Mr President, when we began this work we were aware that we were walking on thin ice.
Estamos en arenas movedizas.
These are shifting sands.
arenas movedizas
shifting sands
Así, desaparece toda referencia a valores comunes y a una verdad absoluta para todos; la vida social se adentra en las arenas movedizas de un relativismo absoluto.
In this way, any reference to common values and to a truth absolutely binding on everyone is lost, and social life ventures on to the shifting sands of complete relativism.
Ello ha derivado en varias formas de agnosticismo y de relativismo, que han llevado la investigación filosófica a perderse en las arenas movedizas de un escepticismo general.
This has given rise to different forms of agnosticism and relativism which have led philosophical research to lose its way in the shifting sands of widespread scepticism.