
"angrily" in Spanish

angrily{adverb} [idiom]
con ira{adv.}

Context examples for "angrily" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Each year the Council would angrily strike off the Schengen heading at second reading.
Cada año el Consejo borraba rabiosamente la línea Schengen de la segunda lectura.
Hauliers are demonstrating angrily, fishermen are demanding compensation, and transport is getting increasingly expensive.
Los transportistas se manifiestan airados, los pescadores exigen compensaciones, y el transporte es cada vez más caro.
he replied angrily
—de ninguna manera —contestó enojado
it's not fair, he complained angrily
—es injusto —protestó airado
he hurled it angrily to the floor
lo tiró rabiosamente al suelo
he came in bellowing angrily
entró dando bramidos de furia
, he shouted angrily
—¡no! —gritó enfadado
, he shouted angrily
—¡no! —gritó enojado
However, she left me with a serious physiological dilemma: how to applaud her with one hand while gesticulating angrily to her with the other.
Sin embargo, la Sra. Haug me ha causado un grave dilema fisiológico: cómo puedo aplaudirla con una mano mientras que, con la otra, debo gesticularle enojado.