
"anecdotes" in Spanish

"anecdotes" in Spanish
I have enough anecdotes to justify my impatience.
Tengo anécdotas suficientes para justificar mi impaciencia.
his story was enlivened by a sprinkling of anecdotes
amenizó su relato salpicándolo de anécdotas
he interspersed the lecture with amusing anecdotes
intercaló anécdotas graciosas en su charla
Let me conclude with a little anecdote that shows the sort of thing we must deal with.
Permítanme concluir con una breve anécdota que demuestra el tipo de asunto con el que debemos tratar.
I feel this anecdote is significant since is clearly shows the spirit in which this report was drawn up.
Pienso que esta anécdota es significativa, ya que demuestra dentro de qué espíritu se preparó este informe.
I should like to relate an anecdote.
Quisiera contarles una anécdota.

Context examples for "anecdotes" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
his story was enlivened by a sprinkling of anecdotes
amenizó su relato salpicándolo de anécdotas
he interspersed the lecture with amusing anecdotes
intercaló anécdotas graciosas en su charla
her speech was leaveninged with lively anecdotes
aligeró su discurso con anécdotas divertidas
her speech was leavened with lively anecdotes
aligeró su discurso con anécdotas divertidas
she has a vast store of witty anecdotes
tiene una enorme colección de anécdotas graciosas
her conversation was larded with anecdotes
su conversación estuvo salpicada de anécdotas
he regaled us with hilarious anecdotes
nos hizo reír con unas anécdotas divertidísimas
the speech was peppered with anecdotes
el discurso estuvo salpicado de anécdotas
she's a treasury of local anecdotes
se sabe montones de anécdotas del lugar