
"afterthought" in Spanish

"afterthought" in Spanish
the last song was added on as an afterthought
la última canción fue una idea de último momento
It even sounds rather condescending, as if the man was the first creation and women were a mere afterthought.
Ahora puede sonar como un simple poema, incluso puede sonar bastante transigente, como si el hombre fuera la primera creación y la mujer fuera una idea de último momento.

Synonyms (English) for "afterthought":
Context examples for "afterthought" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
As an afterthought it says that we shall resolve the problem in a forum.
Como consideración a posteriori, dice que resolveremos el problema en un foro.
But within the EU budget it is nothing more than an afterthought.
Pero en el presupuesto de la UE no hay nada más que una mención de última hora.
The report makes only one mention of NATO, seemingly as an afterthought.
El informe menciona la OTAN una sola vez, aparentemente de pasada.
Those are not in as an afterthought. They were deliberately included.
No las ha incluido a última hora por haberse olvidado de ellas: las ha incluido deliberadamente.
the last song was added on as an afterthought
la última canción fue una idea de último momento
Perhaps this programme, with its delays and miserly budget, is just an afterthought in the overall endeavour?
¿Quizás este programa, con sus retrasos y su mísero presupuesto, no sea más que una simple ocurrencia en el empeño global?
I now have an afterthought, a little late in the day.
Permítanme exponer una última idea.
Not an afterthought or an appendix.
No una ocurrencia en el último minuto ni un apéndice.
Organisations that choose to deploy Unified Communications solutions often treat headsets as an afterthought.
Las organizaciones que eligen instalar soluciones de comunicaciones unificadas suelen dejar los microauriculares para el final.
Amy was a bit of an afterthought
Amy nació cuando ya no pensaban tener más niños
it occurred to me as an afterthought that …
después se me ocurrió que …
Amendment No 23 looks like it was an afterthought and while we are not against it, it should not replace the existing Paragraph 22.
La Enmienda 23 parece una ocurrencia tardía y aunque no estemos en contra, no debería sustituir al Párrafo 22 existente.
they invited me as an afterthought
no habían pensado invitarme
In addition, it should not be possible for people to buy cigarettes at supermarkets, cafés or petrol stations as an afterthought.
Además, es necesario que la gente no pueda adquirir fácilmente cigarrillos cuando va al supermercado, a un café o a una gasolinera.
Baroness Ashton was chosen through a back-room deal among Europe's socialist parties, an afterthought by the British Prime Minister.
La baronesa Ashton ha sido elegida a través de un acuerdo a puerta cerrada de los partidos socialistas de Europa, una ocurrencia del Primer Ministro británico.
They should therefore no longer act as a basis for unfair and disproportionate differentiations, and are little more than an afterthought in the history of solidarity between EU regions.
· pide que las regiones ultraperiféricas reciban un trato especial respecto de su acceso a los Fondos Estructurales;
Now, as an afterthought, we are told that the Russians will provide the helicopters - not only that, but Russia wishes to participate in the mission.
Ahora, como recurso de último momento, se nos dice que los rusos proporcionarán los helicópteros -y no sólo eso, sino que Rusia desea participar en la misión-.
We ought to stop and think whether it is right for our parliamentary debate on this issue to be treated as if it were a kind of afterthought.
Deberíamos recapacitar al respecto y considerar si nuestro trato parlamentario de este tema debería realizarse en esta forma que asemeja a una táctica general de blanqueo.
I have also been struck by the fact that the financial perspective has been left until last, as if it were an afterthought.
Esta es una demanda muy importante y muy decisiva que se complementa con la necesidad de reforzar la gobernanza económica.
I say to the Commissioner that we do not expect this to be done as an after-thought, after all the departments in the Commission have developed legislation.
Digo al Comisario que esperamos que no se lo deje para el último momento, después de que todos los departamentos de la Comisión hayan desarrollado una legislación.