
"actress" in Spanish

"actress" in Spanish
She was extremely successful and the ideal actress to persuade the Italians to drink milk.
Muy lozana ella, era la actriz ideal para invitar a los italianos a beber leche.
As an actress that is nothing new to me.
Como actriz esto no es nuevo para mí.
the actress was being subjected to the attentions of a stalker
la actriz sufría el asedio de un acosador
actress{noun} [idiom]
artista{m} (actriz)
actress{feminine} [idiom]
actress(also: actor)
comediante{m} [theat.]

Context examples for "actress" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
she may be a very good actress, but I don't like her in that role
será muy buena actriz, pero en ese papel no me convence
the actress was being subjected to the attentions of a stalker
la actriz sufría el asedio de un acosador
he has become a constant companion of the actress
se ha convertido en asiduo acompañante de la actriz
based on an incident which happened to the actress
inspirado en un incidente acaecido a la actriz
she's besotted with the idea of becoming an actress
está obsesionada con la idea de ser actriz
her greatest ambition is to become an actress
llegar a ser actriz es su más grande aspiración
based on an incident which befell the actress
inspirado en un incidente acaecido a la actriz
the actress who plays the part of the governess
la actriz que hace el papel de institutriz
she proved herself to be a very talented actress
se reveló como una actriz de gran talento
he had an affair with a famous actress
tuvo relaciones amorosas con una famosa actriz
the award for the best supporting actress
el premio a la mejor actriz secundaria
she hopes to become a great actress
aspira a convertirse en una gran actriz
the lead actress carried the play
la protagonista sacó la obra adelante
the actress formed her own company
la actriz formó su propia compañía
as an actress she fails to impress
como actriz no llama la atención
she has the makings of an actress
tiene pasta de actriz
she hopes to become an actress
pretende ser actriz
she's actress material
tiene pasta de actriz
screen actress
actriz de cine
It is the idea of a famous actress and Greek Minister for Culture who, in her Oscar-winning song 'Never on Sunday ', made Piraeus the cultural capital of the world during the 1960s.
Creo que la cultura es el principal producto de Europa, por delante de la economía, el ejército y la diplomacia.