
"solana" in English


Context examples for "solana" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Solana piensa responder a este debate, quizá quiera abordar este punto.
If he is going to reply to this debate, Mr Solana might like to address that point.
Nos ha explicado, señor Solana, que, para construir una bomba, basta con tener uranio.
Mr Solana has explained to us that uranium is all that is needed to make a bomb.
El informe Solana/Ferrero-Waldner señala el saqueo del Ártico por parte del Kremlin.
The Solana/Ferrero-Waldner report points to the Kremlin's grab for the Arctic.
El documento del señor Solana de 2003 fue una contribución positiva en aquel entonces.
The paper produced by Mr Solana in 2003 was a positive contribution at the time.
Señora Presidenta, el señor Solana ha dicho que no podíamos seguir dando dinero.
Madam President, MrSolana said that we could not continue to give money.
El señor Solana, la Comisión y el Consejo tienen que entablar un diálogo con ella.
Mr Solana, the Commission and the Council must enter into dialogue with it.
El señor Solana ha planteado la pregunta de qué se puede hacer en una situación así.
MrSolana, however, posed the question as to what is to be done in such a situation.
Mientras hablamos, Condoleezza Rice está allí, pero, ¿dónde está Javier Solana?
As we speak, Condoleezza Rice is over there, but where is Javier Solana?
– Señor Presidente, he leído el informe y he escuchado al señor Solana con atención.
– Mr President, I have read the report and listened to MrSolana carefully.
Solana? ¿Qué papel desempeña la Comisión Europea?
What exactly is Mr Solana' s role and what is the European Commission' s role?
Solana y el Sr. Kok.
There are, as I understand it, three of them: Mr Prodi, Mr Solana and Mr Kok.
Solana hablará de Chechenia en su discurso de apertura.
I understand that Mr Solana will mention Chechnya in his opening remarks.
Solana con las autoridades de Chipre del Norte?
What contact does Mr Solana have with the authorities in Northern Cyprus?
. – Señor Presidente, señora Ferrero-Waldner, señor Solana, señor Winkler, Señorías
Mr President, Mrs Ferrero-Waldner, Mr Solana, Mr Winkler, ladies and gentlemen,
– Señor Presidente, he leído el informe y he escuchado al señor Solana con atención.
– Mr President, I have read the report and listened to Mr Solana carefully.
Javier Solana tiene que ir a Moscú y plantear con claridad la postura de la Unión Europea.
Javier Solana must go to Moscow and clearly state the European Union's position.
Solana en sus críticas a esta diplomacia de las conferencias.
I agree with Mr Solana's critique of this kind of conference diplomacy.
Solana no ha visitado Chipre desde que tomó posesión de su cargo.
I am able to state that Mr Solana has not visited Cyprus since he took office.
– Señora Presidenta, quiero dar las gracias al señor Solana por su informe.
Will you mention relations between Georgia and Russia when you meet him?
Solana, a quien recibimos con sumo gusto.
We are delighted to welcome Mr Solana, and I shall waste no time in inviting him to speak.