
"sobrecoste" in English

"sobrecoste" in English

Context examples for "sobrecoste" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Es absolutamente imprescindible que la Comisión desbloquee la financiación de su sobrecoste.
It is absolutely essential that the Commission frees up funding for the extra costs of this port.
El sobrecoste anunciado será más importante de lo previsto.
The additional cost announced will be higher than expected.
He manifestado ya mi curiosidad por conocer el sobrecoste estimado de la iniciativa "legislar mejor".
I have already expressed my curiosity to know the estimated additional cost of the better regulation initiative.
Lo que es más, en algunos países como Francia, deben afrontar una reducción de las ayudas a la recogida, que compensaban parte del sobrecoste de la recogida en las zonas de montaña.
What is more, in some countries such as France they are faced with a reduction in the collection aid that offset part of the extra cost of collection in mountain areas.
Este aumento supondría un perjuicio para las zonas turísticas, como las islas, y un sobrecoste en los productos importados, lo que repercutiría en los consumidores que residen en regiones insulares.
This increase would harm tourist areas, such as the islands, and would increase the costs of imported products, which would have a negative impact for consumers living in island regions.