
"snails" in Spanish

"snails" in Spanish
caracoles{m pl}
all the time I was in France, I never once ate snails
en todo el tiempo que estuve en Francia no comí caracoles ni una vez
In the UK, as Mr Bowe has pointed out fish and snails have been affected.
Bowe, se han visto afectados peces y caracoles.
I find the idea of eating snails revolting
solo la idea de comer caracoles me da asco
We have moved forward at a snail's pace.
Hemos avanzado a paso de caracol.
I am also deeply concerned about the snail's pace at which OLAF worked in investigating this whole sorry matter.
También estoy profundamente preocupado por el ritmo de caracol con que procedió la OLAF para investigar todo este lamentable asunto.
the snail withdraws into its shell
el caracol se retrae en su concha

Synonyms (English) for "snail":
Context examples for "snails" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
all the time I was in France, I never once ate snails
en todo el tiempo que estuve en Francia no comí caracoles ni una vez
MrPresident, we are finally making progress – at an absolute snail’s pace, but we are making progress.
Señor Presidente, finalmente estamos progresando, sin duda a paso de tortuga, pero progresando.
I find the idea of eating snails revolting
solo la idea de comer caracoles me da asco
Does that include snails?
¿A qué productos se refiere el término crustáceos?
snails make my flesh crawl
los caracoles me dan grima
This is necessary so as to ensure that the progress of the Union of 25 is not at a snail’s pace.
Para hacerlo, el Consejo necesitará desarrollar y aplicar nuevos métodos de trabajo más eficaces, a fin de que la Unión de los 25 no avance a paso de tortuga.