
"sintomático" in English

"sintomático" in English
sintomático{adjective masculine/feminine}
sintomático{adjective masculine/feminine}
Lo que no deja de ser sintomático y revelador de cierta concepción de la Comunidad.
But this is quite symptomatic and revelatory of a certain conception of the European Community.
Este informe es sintomático de la naturaleza militarista de la Unión Europea.
This report is symptomatic of the militaristic nature of the European Union.
Esto es sintomático de lo que va fundamentalmente mal en la Unión Europea.
This is symptomatic of what is going fundamentally wrong in the European Union.

Context examples for "sintomático" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El ejemplo irlandés es en este sentido sintomático de los métodos de funcionamiento de esta Europa.
In this respect, the example of Ireland is a prime example of the way that Europe works.
Es sintomático de ello que se haya vuelto a estancar un dossier a cerca de los tipos de sociedades.
A typical example is that the issue of the European company statute has again reached stalemate.
Es sintomático que nos ocupemos ahora del tema.
It is typical that we are only now dealing with it.
Sin duda, es sintomático de una sociedad enferma que solo el 3 % de las grandes empresas esté dirigido por mujeres.
It is certainly indicative of an ailing society if only 3% of women are in the leading roles of large companies.
–Este informe es sintomático del autismo generalizado que padecen la elite y la económica y política en Europa.
. This report is symbolic of the widespread autism afflicting the economic and political elite and intelligentsia in Europe.
Cuando se requiere tratamiento, el cisapride, un agente procinético, se ha prescrito frecuentemente para el tratamiento sintomático del RGE.
Cisapride, a pro-kinetic agent, was commonly prescribed until reports of possible serious adverse events were associated with its use.
sintomático de algo
symptomatic of sth
Es sintomático que Feira se limitase a incluir en la agenda la cooperación reforzada.
What stands out with Feira is that it limited itself to just one addition to the agenda: closer cooperation, which is therefore registered as an urgent and crucial issue.
Es sintomático que el informe Mavrommatis sobre el multilingüismo, aprobado recientemente por el Parlamento Europeo, haya dejado totalmente al margen las lenguas regionales y minoritarias.
It is typical that regional and minority languages have been completely left out of the Mavrommatis report concerning multilingualism, recently adopted by the European Parliament.