
"sien" in English

"sien" in English
temple{noun} [anat.]
tiene una cicatriz a la altura de la sien
he has a scar on his temple

Context examples for "sien" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El 18 de febrero se van a celebrar por fin auténticas negociaciones sin ponerle a los sindicatos una pistola en la sien.
On 18 February genuine negotiations will finally get under way without a gun being held to the trade union’s head.
hebras de plata adornaban su sien
he had silver hairs around the temples
se mató disparándose un tiro en la sien
he shot himself through the head
tiene una cicatriz a la altura de la sien
he has a scar on his temple
se disparó un tiro en la sien
he shot himself in the head
se pegó un tiro en la sien
he shot himself in the head
A medida que avanzamos hacia la reforma de la PAC - y todos reconocemos que debe ser reformada - no podemos hacerlo con una pistola apuntándonos en la sien.
As we move forward to reforming the CAP - and we all accept that it has to be reformed - we must not do this with a gun to our head.
No es de recibo que se presenten nuevas exigencias tras la conclusión del diálogo a tres bandas, poniendo de este modo una pistola en la sien del Parlamento.
It is not acceptable that new demands should be made after the conclusion of the trilogue, thereby putting a pistol to Parliament's head.
Por último, se plantea el problema de la cuestión perjudicial cuyo principio no debe, a mi juicio, ponerse de nuevo en tela de juicio, sien embargo, cabe interrogarse sobre sus modalidades.
Finally, there is the problem of the preliminary question. I do not believe that it needs to be called into doubt in principle, but we can look into its forms.