
"sentada" in English

"sentada" in English
sentada(also: sitin)
sit-down{noun} (protest)
sentada(also: sitin)
sit-in{noun} (demonstration)
los estudiantes hicieron una sentada
the students organized a sit-in

Context examples for "sentada" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Este mensaje me ha llegado mientras estaba aquí sentada dirigiéndome a ustedes.
That message has come from me while I am also sitting here talking to you.
Cresson, por dificultades de espacio, esta vez ha hablado sentada.
On this occasion, due to the lack of space, Mrs Cresson had to speak whilst seated.
El sector del automóvil ha pisado el freno y la Comisión se queda sentada y mira.
The car industry has applied the brakes, and the Commission is sitting back and watching.
La Unión Europea no puede permanecer sentada sin hacer nada frente a este problema.
The European Union cannot stand by and do nothing to tackle this problem.
Es una conquista que se da tan por sentada que está debilitando la conciencia de la misma.
It is so very complete a victory that we are starting to take it for granted.
Es lamentable que la Comisión permanezca aquí sentada sin sonrojarse.
It is really very depressing that the Commission can sit here blushing with shame.
Señora Presidenta, estimadas y estimados colegas, ruego comprendan si permanezco sentada.
Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, I hope you will forgive me if I remain seated.
Cresson, por dificultades de espacio, esta vez ha hablado sentada.
On this occasion, due to the lack of space, Mrs Cresson had to speak whilst seated.
Señora Presidenta, estimadas y estimados colegas, ruego comprendan si permanezco sentada.
. (DE) Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, I hope you will forgive me if I remain seated.
La colaboración entre cuencas hidrológicas debe darse por sentada.
Cooperation within a catchment basin must be self-evident.
Admito que estando usted ahí sentada me resulta más difícil.
I admit that, with you sitting there, I find it more difficult.
Ya no podemos dar por sentada nuestra relación con África.
We can no longer take our relationship with Africa for granted.
Desde aquí sentada puedo ver a todos nuestros visitantes.
I am seated so that I can actually watch all our visitors.
Precisamente para este reglamento hacemos un «labeling», la ponente está sentada detrás de mí.
We are now deciding on the labelling to go with this packaging regulation - the rapporteur is sitting behind me.
Precisamente para este reglamento hacemos un« labeling», la ponente está sentada detrás de mí.
We are now deciding on the labelling to go with this packaging regulation - the rapporteur is sitting behind me.
Esta confianza no se puede dar por sentada, sino que es preciso volver a demostrar una y otra vez que es merecida.
Confidence of this kind cannot be taken for granted but has to be justified over and over again.
La democracia parlamentaria no se debe dar por sentada.
Parliamentary democracy must not be taken for granted.
Así que damos por sentada la evaluación de los jovencitos .
So we think nothing about evaluating youngsters.
Yo no doy por sentada esta valoración fundamental.
I do not take this fundamental assessment for granted.
Dado que Europa envejece y que el número de personas con discapacidad aumenta, no podemos dar por sentada su presencia.
As Europe ages and the number of people with disabilities increases, we cannot take them for granted.