
"Semitic" in Spanish

"Semitic" in Spanish
The national language is Maltese, which is part of the Semitic language family that includes Arabic.
La lengua nacional es el maltés, que pertenece, como el árabe, a la familia de las lenguas semíticas.
It is equally an honour for me to speak in my mother tongue in this Institution – Maltese – which is the first official language of the European Union with Semitic roots.
Del mismo modo, es un honor para mí hablar en esta Institución en mi lengua materna –maltés–, que es el primer idioma oficial de la Unión Europea con raíces semíticas.

Synonyms (English) for "Semitic":
Context examples for "Semitic" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The reality is, however, that nearly all anti-Semitic incidents can be traced back to Islamic immigrants.
He votado en contra del informe Moraes porque los apartados 22 y 24 me resultan inaceptables.
A study in 2002 showed, for example, that anti-Semitic behaviour is particularly rife among Muslims.
Un estudio realizado en 2002 demostró, por ejemplo, que el comportamiento antisemítico es especialmente común entre los musulmanes.
It is equally an honour for me to speak in my mother tongue in this Institution – Maltese – which is the first official language of the European Union with Semitic roots.
No me cabe duda de que los malteses y los gozitanos se enorgullecen de oír el idioma maltés en esta institución.