
"santos" in English

"santos" in English
santos{masculine plural}
santos{masculine plural}
evangelizaban, los santos Cirilo y Metodio tuvieron un mérito particular en la
culture of the peoples which they were evangelizing, Saints Cyril and Methodius
Los apóstoles de los Eslavos, santos Cirilo y Metodio, permanecen en la memoria de la Iglesia
SLAVS, Saints Cyril and Methodius, are remembered by the Church together with
Eran ascetas, como los santos medievales que intentaban olvidar que tenían estómagos.
They were ascetics, like medieval saints who tried to forget that they had stomachs.

Context examples for "santos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
evangelizaban, los santos Cirilo y Metodio tuvieron un mérito particular en la
culture of the peoples which they were evangelizing, Saints Cyril and Methodius
acontecimientos de aquellos días santos, en que debía quedar corroborado de una
those holy days during which confirmation was to be given once and for all of
pueblos cristianos limítrofes, los santos hermanos de Salónica conservaron una
by armed conflicts between neighboring Christian peoples, the holy Brothers
dos santos hermanos se dedicaron a la difícil tarea de traducir los textos de
holy Brothers-as their biographies indicate-undertook the difficult task of
su verdadero bien, los dos santos hermanos tuvieron adecuados recursos de
and a disinterested concern for their true good, the two holy Brothers had the
Eran ascetas, como los santos medievales que intentaban olvidar que tenían estómagos.
They were ascetics, like medieval saints who tried to forget that they had stomachs.
posteriores a los santos Cirilo y Metodio y, en primerísimo lugar, la unidad
was gravely damaged after the time of Cyril and Methodius, and, first and
santos, y tu nombre quedará escrito en el Libro de la vida..." (Cartas
the saints, and in the Book of Life your name shall be called glorious among men"
Durante sesenta años vivió en esta ciudad, que mientras tanto iba poblándose de santos.
He lived for 60 years in this city, which meanwhile was becoming populated with saints.
IGNACIO CEJA JIMÉNEZ Provincia de los Santos Francisco y Santiago en México
IGNACIO CEJA JIMÉNEZ Province of Saint Francis and Saint James (México)
«Sois conciudadanos de los santos y familiares de Dios» (Ef 2, 19).
"You are citizens like all the saints, and part of God's household" (Eph 2:19)
para las Causas de los Santos tuvo su propia estructura, organizada en
the Causes of Saints took on its own structure with three distinct offices:
“Los santos hombres de Dios hablaron siendo inspirados por el Espírito Santo” (2 Pedro 1:21).
“Men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21).
Los apóstoles de los Eslavos, santos Cirilo y Metodio, permanecen en la memoria de la Iglesia
SLAVS, Saints Cyril and Methodius, are remembered by the Church together with
la lengua eslava en la liturgia traducida por los dos santos hermanos.
use of the Old Slavonic language in the liturgy translated by the two holy
Para conseguir su propósito, estos santos guerreros recurren sin escrúpulos a la violencia.
In order to achieve their ends, these holy warriors resort unscrupulously to violence.
advocaciones de Cristo, de la Santísima Virgen y de los santos.
devotions associated with special titles for Christ, the Blessed Virgin and the
Algunos quieren que se les dé reconocimiento, otros ser adulados como santos.
People want some recognition, some appreciation as worthy saints.
los santos cuál sea la anchura y la longitud, la altura y la profundidad »
saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth" (Eph 3,
Este es el motivo por el que he votado a favor del informe Capoulas Santos.
This is why I have voted in favour of the Capoulas Santos report.