
"salving" in Spanish

"salving" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "salving":
Context examples for "salving" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
One might well ask whether the aim of this proposal is really to combat racism or whether it is merely a way of salving our consciences.
Podemos preguntarnos si el objetivo de esta propuesta es luchar contra el racismo o querer tener la conciencia limpia.
We are, however, salving our consciences at the expense of the citizens, the entrepreneurs and the quality of our laws.
Sin embargo, estamos acallando nuestras consciencias en detrimento de los ciudadanos, los empresarios y la calidad de nuestra legislación.
This is not a way of either saving face or salving our consciences and, above all else, it will not meet the expectations of sufferers and their families.
De este modo no se salvan las apariencias ni la conciencia y, sobre todo, no se responde a las expectativas de los enfermos y de sus familiares.
There is no point in salving our consciences by presenting a programme of great value in health and humanitarian terms, unless it is endowed with adequate funding.
Es inútil la pretensión de tranquilizar la conciencia presentando un programa de gran valor sanitario y humanitario sin dotarlo después de una financiación adecuada.