
"rosemary" in Spanish

"rosemary" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "rosemary":
Context examples for "rosemary" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Question No 40 by Dana Rosemary Scallon (H-0286/03):
Pregunta nº 40 formulada por Dana Rosemary Scallon (H-0286/03):
Finally, like this House, the Commission was horrified to learn of the cowardly murder of Rosemary Nelson.
Por último, la Comisión, al igual que el Parlamento, ha acogido con horror el cobarde asesinato de Rosemary Nelson.
Mr President, like many colleagues who have already spoken, I utterly condemn the murder of Rosemary Nelson.
Señor Presidente, como muchos colegas que han tomado ya la palabra, condeno firmemente el asesinato de Rosemary Nelson.
Murder of Rosemary Nelson
Asesinato de Rosemary Nelson
I welcome to the European Parliament a delegation from Rwanda headed by the Minister for External Affairs and Cooperation, Mrs Rosemary Museminali.
Doy la bienvenida al Parlamento Europeo a una delegación de Ruanda liderada por la Ministra de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación, doña Rosemary Museminali.
The murder of Rosemary Nelson, and the earlier killing of Patrick Finucane, provide clear evidence that this minimum requirement for justice is not guaranteed in Northern Ireland.
El asesinato de Rosemary Nelson, junto con el anterior asesinato de Patrick Finucane, son la prueba evidente de que ese requisito mínimo de justicia no existe en Irlanda del Norte.