
"robinsón" in English

"robinsón" in English

Context examples for "robinsón" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Recientemente, su Presidenta Mary Robinson encontró tiempo para venir a visitar Escocia.
Recently your President Mary Robinson came and made time to visit Scotland.
Robinson, hasta el Sr. Solana.
By Mr Powell himself, by Mr Robinson, even down to Mr Solana.
Mary Robinson, Alta Comisionada para los Derechos Humanos, lleva mucho tiempo pronunciándose en contra de ellas.
Mary Robinson, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, has been speaking out against sanctions for a long time.
A Mary Robinson se le permitió un acceso con limitaciones.
Mary Robinson obtained limited access.
También puede escuchar lo que ha dicho Mary Robinson, que ha condenado con firmeza lo que está sucediendo con las sanciones.
We can also note the words of Mary Robinson who has strongly condemned what is going on in relation to the sanctions.
Acogemos favorablemente el Memorando de acuerdo que China ha suscrito con Mary Robinson, y esperamos que ahora lo cumpla.
We welcome the Memorandum of Understanding, which China has signed with Mary Robinson, but we hope that they will now implement it.
.: 171 An Iconic English Historic Industrial Landscape: Intangible Values and Identity Emma-Jane Robinson
Ref.: 171 An Iconic English Historic Industrial Landscape: Intangible Values and Identity Emma-Jane ROBINSON (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
El documento elaborado por el foro de las ONG era tan malo que la Secretaria General, Mary Robinson, no pudo recomendarlo a los gobiernos.
The document produced by the NGO forum was so bad that the Secretary-General, Mary Robinson, was unable to recommend it to the governments.
Por el momento la PESC es muy fragmentaria: debe más a la inspiración de Heath Robinson que a la moderna edad tecnológica computarizada.
At the moment the CFSP is very piecemeal: it owes more to the inspiration of Heath Robinson than to the modern, computer-driven technological age.
No se puede entender de otro modo que no haya concedido permiso a la encargada de la ONU, Mary Robinson, para entrar en Grozny o en los campos de filtración.
How else are we to interpret the fact that the UN envoy Mary Robinson was not granted access to Grozny and the filtration camps.
En primer lugar: puede inscribirse en las denominadas listas Robinson, de suerte que no esté permitido con carácter general que se le envíe publicidad.
First, the consumer can put his name on what is termed a 'Robinson list ', so that advertising material may not generally be sent to him.
En primer lugar: puede inscribirse en las denominadas listas Robinson, de suerte que no esté permitido con carácter general que se le envíe publicidad.
First, the consumer can put his name on what is termed a 'Robinson list' , so that advertising material may not generally be sent to him.
La trayectoria de Irlanda en esta materia es muy buena; ha producido figuras destacadas como Mary Robinson, que se han distinguido en este ámbito.
The fact is that the principles that we proclaim are common to us all and there is no doubt in anybody’ s mind that we give them our full support.
Robinson vino a vernos porque había un compromiso para la Oficina en Bogotá, un compromiso de la Unión Europea de financiar solamente un año.
Mrs Robinson came to see us, as a commitment had been made on the part of the European Union to provide the Bogota office with funds for one year only.
Quisiera que Mary Robinson, la Comisionada de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, ejerza presiones sobre los Estados Unidos para abolir la pena de muerte.
I would like Mary Robinson, the UN Commissioner on Human Rights, to put pressure on the United States to abolish the death penalty.
Robinson vino a vernos porque había un compromiso para la Oficina en Bogotá, un compromiso de la Unión Europea de financiar solamente un año.
Mrs Robinson came to see us, as a commitment had been made on the part of the European Union to provide the Bogota office with funds for one year only.
Debemos alentar a la Comisaria para los Derechos Humanos de la ONU, Mary Robinson, a destinar a observadores permanentes en Birmania para vigilar los derechos humanos.
We should encourage the UN Human Rights Commissioner, Mary Robinson, to install permanent observers in Burma to monitor human rights.
La trayectoria de Irlanda en esta materia es muy buena; ha producido figuras destacadas como Mary Robinson, que se han distinguido en este ámbito.
This is something for which Ireland has a very good record; it has produced such outstanding figures as Mary Robinson, who have distinguished themselves in this area.
Robinson, puede esperarse una invitación para ir a China.
In addition there is also a promise from China that the UN Commissioner for Human Rights, Mrs Robinson, can look forward to an invitation to visit China.
Robinson con ocasión de la Asamblea anual de las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York.
I will, moreover, be meeting Mrs Robinson in my role as President-inOffice of the Council during the annual session of the United Nations in New York.