
"ribereño" in English

riverine{adj.} [form.]

Synonyms (Spanish) for "ribereño":
Context examples for "ribereño" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Son necesarias acciones orquestadas, ya que la falta de implicación de un solo Estado ribereño podría provocar que todo el proceso quedase bloqueado.
Concerted action is required as the non-involvement of a single riparian state may result in the whole process being blocked.
Si el Convenio no fuera ratificado, careceríamos de instrumentos; piense, por ejemplo, en el caso de un Estado ribereño cualquiera, cuya interpretación fuera distinta.
If the Convention were not ratified we would have no instruments at all; what if, for example, some other coastal state were to have a different interpretation?
Ese país se inserta en una región del globo en la que se cruzan grandes intereses estratégicos y energéticos, es un país ribereño del mar Caspio y tiene grandes reservas de gas.
This country is located in a part of the world where great strategic and energy interests meet, as it borders the Caspian Sea and has huge reserves of gas.