
"Republicans" in Spanish

Do we accuse a lot of Republicans today of being anti-American?
¿Acusamos nosotros a muchos de los republicanos actuales de ser antiamericanos?
the Republicans have managed to regain ground lost in previous elections
los republicanos han logrado recuperar el terreno perdido en elecciones anteriores
the final count put the Republicans second
luego del escrutinio final los Republicanos quedaron en segundo lugar
I have always thought of myself as an Irish Republican, as indeed do the McCartney family.
Siempre he pensado como un republicano irlandés, como hace la familia McCartney.
Then a republican officer took a stand: General Pinochet.
Entonces, un oficial republicano se rebeló: el general Pinochet.
On 30January, their brother Robert was murdered by members of the IrishRepublican Army in Belfast.
El 30 de enero, su hermano Robert fue asesinado por miembros del Ejército Republicano Irlandés en Belfast.
Modern Greece has a republican structure based on the constitution of 1975.
La Grecia actual posee una estructura republicana basada en la Constitución de 1975.
Truth is humble, non-majestic and republican to a certain extent.
La verdad es humilde, no majestuosa; es, de alguna forma, republicana.
the race is on for the Republican nomination
ha empezado la contienda para la nominación republicana
I have always thought of myself as an Irish Republican, as indeed do the McCartney family.
Siempre he pensado como un republicano irlandés, como hace la familia McCartney.
Then a republican officer took a stand: General Pinochet.
Entonces, un oficial republicano se rebeló: el general Pinochet.
On 30January, their brother Robert was murdered by members of the IrishRepublican Army in Belfast.
El 30 de enero, su hermano Robert fue asesinado por miembros del Ejército Republicano Irlandés en Belfast.
Modern Greece has a republican structure based on the constitution of 1975.
La Grecia actual posee una estructura republicana basada en la Constitución de 1975.
Truth is humble, non-majestic and republican to a certain extent.
La verdad es humilde, no majestuosa; es, de alguna forma, republicana.
the race is on for the Republican nomination
ha empezado la contienda para la nominación republicana
republicano{adj. m}
Then a republican officer took a stand: General Pinochet.
Entonces, un oficial republicano se rebeló: el general Pinochet.
Modern Greece has a republican structure based on the constitution of 1975.
La Grecia actual posee una estructura republicana basada en la Constitución de 1975.
I have always thought of myself as an Irish Republican, as indeed do the McCartney family.
Siempre he pensado como un republicano irlandés, como hace la familia McCartney.

Context examples for "Republicans" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Immigrants have formed a new group of American citizens that voted for the Republicans in the last elections.
Hemos debatido sobre valores comunes con los rusos en muchas cumbres.