
"repetidas veces" in English

"repetidas veces" in English
repeatedly{adv.} (ask, urge, request)
La Unión Europea ha protestado repetidas veces sobre esta cuestión ante Kabila.
The European Union has repeatedly protested at this to Mr Kabila.
He explicado repetidas veces el asunto ante comisiones de esta Asamblea.
I have explained the matter to committees of this House repeatedly.
Yo he aludido repetidas veces al peligro específico de estas drogas.
I have repeatedly pointed out why these drugs are particularly dangerous.

Similar translations for "repetidas veces" in English
Context examples for "repetidas veces" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La he hecho repetidas veces, pero parece que esto no termina de comprenderse.
I have done so a number of times but it seems that there is still some misunderstanding.
Una guerra que ya bombardeó repetidas veces a la población en los años 30 del siglo XX.
It is a war in the skies which has bombed the people on the ground back into the 1930s.
Ya he manifestado repetidas veces esta mañana que la Mesa va a reexaminar esta cuestión.
I have this morning said several times that the Bureau will discuss this question again.
Ustedes han solicitado repetidas veces la operatividad de Europol. Estoy de acuerdo con ello.
You have insisted here on a rapid implementation of Europol and I go along with that.
He planteado esta cuestión repetidas veces en las reuniones de la Comisión.
I have raised this matter a number of times at Commission meetings.
Repetidas veces se dan situaciones de exceso de nitratos y de pesticidas en el agua.
There have been repeated cases of nitrate and pesticide pollution.
Es posible que un visitante haga clic en su anuncio repetidas veces movido por un interés legítimo.
It's possible that a visitor legitimately clicks on your ad more than once.
Usted ha quebrantado repetidas veces el Reglamento en lo que a este punto se refiere.
Here you have continually ridden roughshod over the Rules.
Ya se ha dicho esto repetidas veces: nosotros, Europa, podemos y debemos desempeñar un papel mundial.
As has been said a few times, we can, and must, as Europe, play a global role in this debate.
No voy a entrar en más detalles, que ya se han expuesto repetidas veces.
I do not intend to go further into the facts and figures, as we have already heard a great deal on that score.
Todos conocemos los problemas, y Astrid Lulling ha insistido repetidas veces en la importancia del sector.
We all know the problems and Astrid Lulling has stressed the sector's importance time and time again.
El Consejo ha señalado repetidas veces que considera muy importante que en Albania se celebren elecciones libres y justas.
The Council has often expressed a wish for free and honest elections held in Albania.
Esto ya se ha dicho esta jornada repetidas veces.
A number of speakers have already said as much this evening.
Pertenezco a este Parlamento desde 1989 y desde entonces esta exigencia se ha formulado repetidas veces.
I have been a member of this Parliament since 1989 and this is a demand that has been made time and time again.
En esta Asamblea nos hemos ocupado repetidas veces de las turbulencias del mundo financiero internacional.
In this House we have already dealt on a number of occasions with turbulences in the world of international finance.
Precisamente en los últimos meses se han producido repetidas veces en Alemania hechos delictivos de trasfondo xenófobo.
The past few months in particular have seen a whole spate of racially motivated criminal acts in Germany.
La Unión Europea ha expresado repetidas veces de forma consecuente su rechazo a la política de sexos del régimen talibán.
The European Union has consistently repeated its rejection of the gender policy of the Taliban movement.
Hay que introducir, por fin, una cuota explícita fair trade que el Parlamento Europeo ha pedido repetidas veces.
An explicit fair trade quota, as has always been demanded by the European Parliament, must at long last be introduced.
No obstante, el autor de la pregunta ha expresado repetidas veces su profundo escepticismo respecto a las afirmaciones del Consejo en este sentido.
I have expressed continuing deep scepticism about the Council's claims.
le pegaron repetidas veces en la cabeza
they hit him over the head repeatedly