
"remonte" in English

"remonte" in English

Context examples for "remonte" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La EEB seguirá en boca de todos y, por lo tanto, no resulta previsible que el consumo remonte a los altos niveles anteriores.
BSE is going to remain in the public eye, so that consumption will not return to its former levels in the foreseeable future.
Me complace decir que la Comisión está ya colaborando para lograr que el proceso de Bolonia remonte el vuelo en el marco de nuestros programas educativos, que sus Señorías ya conocen.
I am glad to say that the Commission is now on board and is helping to get this Bologna Process off the ground in the framework of our educational programmes with which you will be familiar.