
"reforestar" in English

"reforestar" in English
reforestar{transitive verb}
reforestar{transitive verb}
Reforestar allí donde es necesario para evitar erosiones o crear bosques de protección es algo evidente.
It goes without saying that we should reforest in order to prevent erosion or protect woods.
. – Señor Presidente, por desgracia la propuesta solo contiene una referencia limitada a la posibilidad de no reforestar zonas privadas que pueden calificarse de zonas forestales.
. – Unfortunately, Mr President, the motion only contains a limited reference to the possibility of not reforesting privately-owned areas which qualify as forested areas.
. – Señor Presidente, por desgracia la propuesta solo contiene una referencia limitada a la posibilidad de no reforestar zonas privadas que pueden calificarse de zonas forestales.
. – Unfortunately, Mr President, the motion only contains a limited reference to the possibility of not reforesting privately-owned areas which qualify as forested areas.

Context examples for "reforestar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Reforestar allí donde es necesario para evitar erosiones o crear bosques de protección es algo evidente.
It goes without saying that we should reforest in order to prevent erosion or protect woods.
. – Señor Presidente, por desgracia la propuesta solo contiene una referencia limitada a la posibilidad de no reforestar zonas privadas que pueden calificarse de zonas forestales.
. – Unfortunately, Mr President, the motion only contains a limited reference to the possibility of not reforesting privately-owned areas which qualify as forested areas.
. – Señor Presidente, por desgracia la propuesta solo contiene una referencia limitada a la posibilidad de no reforestar zonas privadas que pueden calificarse de zonas forestales.
. – Unfortunately, Mr President, the motion only contains a limited reference to the possibility of not reforesting privately-owned areas which qualify as forested areas.
¡Eso es hipocresía, señora Presidenta, porque están pendientes las reforestaciones de decenas de miles de hectáreas que no se realizan y queremos reforestar allí donde las tierras están cultivadas!.
This is sheer hypocrisy because thousands of hectares are still awaiting reforestation in vain, and now we want reforestation in areas where the land can be cultivated!