
"rearguard" in Spanish

"rearguard" in Spanish
There is still a rearguard of men who are opposed to this.
Sin embargo, continúa habiendo una retaguardia masculina que se opone a estos logros.
They can count on me and on my colleagues to denounce their rearguard views.
Pueden contar conmigo y mis colegas para denunciar sus opiniones de retaguardia.
This kind of rearguard debate does little for the reputation of the European right.
Este tipo de debate de retaguardia favorece poco a la reputación de la derecha europea.

Context examples for "rearguard" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The opponents are fighting a rearguard action.
Los oponentes están haciendo una última tentativa.
The European automotive industry meanwhile is fighting a rearguard action to be allowed to emit even more CO2.
La industria automovilística europea, entretanto, está librando una batalla desesperada para que se le permita emitir incluso más CO2.
It would be a rearguard battle.
Sería una última tentativa.
to fight a rearguard action
hacer una última tentativa
to fight a rearguard action
cubrir la retirada
We want to shape the future, and shaping the future does not mean fighting a rearguard action or useless protectionism, but accompanying change.
Deseamos preparar el futuro, lo que no significa librarse a una acción defensiva o a un proteccionismo inútil, sino acompañar el cambio.
It has to be said that, this time, the Europeans have found an arbiter in Washington and that, thanks to the rearguard of American generals, Europe has finally found a certain unity.
Es preciso señalar que en esta ocasión los europeos han encontrado un árbitro, es decir, Washington, y que gracias a que los generales americanos cerraron filas, Europa consiguió por fin una unidad.