
"Quixote" in Spanish

"Quixote" in Spanish
Mr Durão Barroso, Quixote said "They bark, then we ride".
Señor Durão Barroso, el Quijote dice "ladran, luego cabalgamos".
As Don Quixote said, if someone is punished through actions, they do not need to be punished through words.
Como decía don Quijote, a quien se castiga con hechos no hay que castigar con palabras.
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quixote[of a person: hopeless idealist] {noun}
Mr Durão Barroso, Quixote said "They bark, then we ride".
Señor Durão Barroso, el Quijote dice "ladran, luego cabalgamos".
As Don Quixote said, if someone is punished through actions, they do not need to be punished through words.
Como decía don Quijote, a quien se castiga con hechos no hay que castigar con palabras.
Of Don Quixote of la Mancha it was said that he had read so many books on chivalry that his brain had dried up.
De donQuijote de la Mancha se dijo que de tanto leer libros de caballerías se le había secado el cerebro.