
"prologar" in English

prologar{transitive verb}
Parece haber un amplio apoyo a la propuesta de que todas las directivas y reglamentos estén prologados por un sumario legalmente no vinculante para los ciudadanos.
There seems to be broad support for the proposition that each directive and regulation should be prefaced by a non-legally binding citizens’ summary.

Context examples for "prologar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Tras el reconocimiento de Taiwán por la FYROM, China decidió, como ustedes saben, emitir su veto en el Consejo de Seguridad para prologar el mandato de la UNPREDEP.
Following the recognition of Taiwan by the FYROM, China decided, as you know, to exercise its veto in the Security Council against the extension of the mandate of UNPREDEP.