
"proféticamente" in English

"proféticamente" in English
Concilio Vaticano II, « ella misma es insinuada proféticamente en la promesa dada a nuestros primeros padres caídos en pecado », según el libro del Génesis (cf. 3, 15).
Vatican Council says, "she is already prophetically foreshadowed in that promise made to our first parents after their fall into sin"-according to the Book of Genesis (cf. 3:15).
Como escribe el Concilio Vaticano II, « ella misma es insinuada proféticamente en la promesa dada a nuestros primeros padres caídos en pecado », según el libro del Génesis (cf.
As the Second Vatican Council says, "she is already prophetically foreshadowed in that promise made to our first parents after their fall into sin"-according to the Book of Genesis (cf.

Context examples for "proféticamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por tanto, me extraña que después de haber gobernado Alemania durante 16 años, anuncien proféticamente que el Gobierno federal en ejercicio tendrá que responder del fracaso de la política de empleo.
That is why I am surprised that after 16 years in government in Germany they now seem to be prophesying that the current German Government will have to answer for the failure of employment policy.