
"princesa" in English

"princesa" in English
Los roles femeninos son Florence Nightingale o la hermosa princesa, desgraciadamente asesinada de manera tan trágica.
The role of women is Florence Nightingale or the beautiful princess, sadly so tragically killed.
Pregúntese por qué exactamente Diana, Princesa de Gales, era perseguida dondequiera que fuese: para que otros ganaran dinero.
Ask yourself exactly why Diana, Princess of Wales, was pursued everywhere she went: to make money for others.
la naturalidad y espontaneidad de la princesa
the princess's natural manner and spontaneity

Context examples for "princesa" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
interpreta dos papeles: el de criada y el de princesa
she doubles the parts of maid and princess
la naturalidad y espontaneidad de la princesa
the princess's natural manner and spontaneity
la princesa fue la madrina en la botadura del buque
the ship was launched by the princess
la niña hizo una reverencia ante la princesa
the little girl curtsied to the princess
tú eras la princesa y yo era el hada
you be the princess and I'll be the fairy
le dieron el papel de la princesa
she was cast as the princess
como corresponde a una princesa
as befits a princess
tiene andares de princesa
she walks like a princess
También quiero dar la bienvenida a Su Alteza Real, la Princesa Victoria de Suecia, que hoy está de nuevo presente en nuestra tribuna oficial.
On behalf of Parliament, I should like to welcome to the official gallery President Chissano, President of the Republic of Mozambique and current chairman of the African Union.
¿Considera el Consejo que dicha princesa y otras celebridades internacionales deben tomar parte en la perpetuación de una publicidad seria que podría darse a un asunto de tanta importancia?
Does the Council feel that she and other international celebrities have a role to play in perpetuating the serious publicity that could be given to this highly important issue?