
"posconciliar" in English

"posconciliar" in English

Context examples for "posconciliar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
difícil período posconciliar, cuando la postura común y unánime del Colegio de
difficult postconciliar period, when the shared unanimous position of the
período posconciliar de su pontificado.
postconciliar period of his pontificate.
Se insertó activamente en la reforma posconciliar de la Iglesia, realizando con gran generosidad una labor humilde de misericordia.
She took an active part in the post-conciliar reform of the Church, carrying out a humble work of mercy with great generosity.
Iglesia en el período posconciliar, ha sabido presentar «ad extra», al exterior, su auténtico rostro.
countenance of the Church, in spite of the various internal weaknesses that affected her in the postconciliar period.
Me maravillaron siempre su profunda prudencia y valentía, así como su constancia y paciencia en el difícil período posconciliar de su pontificado.
I was constantly amazed at his profound wisdom and his courage and also by his constancy and patience in the difficult postconciliar period of his pontificate.