
"pons" in Spanish


Synonyms (English) for "pons":
Context examples for "pons" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
First of all, I would of course like to thank Mr Pons Grau very warmly for his report.
También quiero felicitar al Sr. Pons Grau por su informe.
Mr Pons has naturally been in communication with his relevant colleagues in other departments in the French Government.
El Sr. Pons ha estado, naturalmente, en comunicación con sus colegas pertinentes de otros departamentos del Gobierno francés.
Madam President, I believe the significance of this motion for a resolution has been explained extremely well by the proposer, our colleague Mr Pons Grau.
Señora Presidenta, considero que el significado de esta propuesta de resolución ha sido bien explicado por el ponente, nuestro colega, Sr. Pons Grau.
The international court in Arusha must also be strengthened, as Mr Pons Grau has already said, to ensure that justice prevails in the Great Lakes region on a lasting basis.
Asimismo es preciso reforzar el Tribunal Internacional en Arusa, como ya ha dicho el Sr. Pons Grau, para que haya una justicia duradera en la zona de los Grandes Lagos.
To the economic reasons stated by Mr Pons Grau, I should like to add the considerations of a more strictly political nature advanced by the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence Policy.
A los motivos de carácter económico expuestos por el Sr. Pons Grau se añaden las consideraciones más estrictamente políticas de la Comisión de Asuntos Exteriores, Seguridad y Política de Defensa.