
"poética" in English

"poética" in English
poética{adjective feminine}
poética{adjective feminine}
Y su visión me parece, por el momento, demasiado poética.
And in my view your vision is too poetic, at least at the moment.
Varela por su anticipación política que casi podría calificar de poética.
I congratulate Mr Varela on his political foresight, which could almost be called poetic.
A mi parecer, es una exageración poética.
Methinks this is a poetic exaggeration.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "poética":
Context examples for "poética" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
en vena poética
in a poetic vein
Horacio dijo en su ars poetica, "Escritores, tomad a vuestras fuerzas materia igual; haced prueba primero de aquel peso que pueden o no pueden sustentar vuestros hombros".
Horace said in his ars poetica, 'Examine well, ye writers, weigh with care, what suits your genius; what your strength can bear'.
Señor Presidente del Consejo, acaba de decir de una forma muy poética en su introducción que desea que la cumbre no se convierta en una paráfrasis.
Mr President-in-Office, you just said very poetically in your introduction that you did not want the summit to be a paraphrase summit, giving birth to another poem.