
"playacting" in Spanish


Synonyms (English) for "playacting":
Context examples for "playacting" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We have not, of course, given our support to this playacting and have voted against the report.
Evidentemente, no hemos avalado estos melindres y hemos votado en contra del informe.
During its Presidency, Finland will not be like Mr Berlusconi: there will be less play-acting and a little more honesty.
Durante su Presidencia, Finlandia no va a ser como el señor Berlusconi: va a ver menos actuación y un poco más de honestidad.
During its Presidency, Finland will not be like MrBerlusconi: there will be less play-acting and a little more honesty.
Durante su Presidencia, Finlandia no va a ser como el señor Berlusconi: va a ver menos actuación y un poco más de honestidad.
his illness is pure playacting
su malestar es pura pantomima