
"perpetuity" in Spanish

"perpetuity" in Spanish
Egypt is primus inter pares in perpetuity in the Arab League.
Egipto es un primus inter pares a perpetuidad en la Liga Árabe.
There are no guarantees, however, that liquefied carbon dioxide can be stored safely in perpetuity.
No obstante, no hay garantías de que el dióxido de carbono licuado pueda almacenarse con seguridad y a perpetuidad.
We are now on to the third and final PNR agreement, for example, an agreement which in perpetuity gives up certain rights for uncertain benefits.
Ahora vamos a aprobar el tercer y último acuerdo sobre el registro de nombres de pasajeros, acuerdo que concede a perpetuidad ciertos derechos a cambio de unos beneficios inciertos.

Synonyms (English) for "perpetuity":
Context examples for "perpetuity" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Our citizens, who are indeed the owners of their currency, are being excluded from this decision to expropriate them; they are in fact doubly excluded, both now and in perpetuity.
Ahora bien, nuestros pueblos, a pesar de ser los dueños de su moneda, han sido excluidos de esta decisión de expropiación. Esta exclusión es incluso doble: presente y permanente.