
"perfumed" in Spanish

"perfumed" in Spanish
perfumed{past participle}
to perfume{transitive verb}
perfumed{past participle}
For how long will the toothpaste still taste good and for how long will the perfume or the skin cream remain safe to use and not turn rancid?
¿Cuánto tiempo mantiene su buen sabor la crema dental, y por cuánto tiempo siguen todavía en orden y no se ponen rancios un perfume o la crema para la piel?
As far as Amendment No 21 on fragrance listing is concerned, this amendment requires a full ingredient listing, including perfume composition.
En cuanto a la enmienda 21 relativa a una lista de fragancias, esta enmienda exige una lista completa de ingredientes, entre ellos de los de la composición del perfume.
I owe my hair colour to l'Oréal, my perfume is by Dior, and my face cream comes from Great Britain - Englishwomen have such wonderful complexions.
Mi color de cabello se lo debo a l'Oréal, mi perfume es de Dior y mis cremas faciales provienen del Reino Unido, las mujeres inglesas tiene unas facciones maravillosas.

Synonyms (English) for "perfumed":
Context examples for "perfumed" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We want perfumed ingredients that bring out allergic reactions in people and are recognised by experts as allergenic, to be indicated on labels.
Pedimos que se indique la presencia de alérgenos aromáticos que puedan causar alergias en las personas y que la ciencia reconoce como tales.