
"perceptor" in English

"perceptor" in English
Según EUROSTAT el 77 % de los perceptores de salarios bajos son mujeres.
According to EUROSTAT, approximately 77 % of the recipients of low wages are women.
PHARE se negocia en un juego mutuo con el estado perceptor, con los gobiernos perceptores, cada programa se negocia con los gobiernos.
PHARE is negotiated by means of interaction together with the recipient country, with the recipient governments, and individual projects are negotiated with the governments.
Ni siquiera pude conseguir un desglose estadístico de lo que estaban recibiendo los principales perceptores de dinero.
I could not even obtain a statistical breakdown of what the biggest recipients of the money were receiving for example.
No obstante, las organizaciones perceptoras de ayuda de la UE tienen que ser seleccionadas de forma objetiva y sin prejuicios.
Organisations receiving EU aid must nonetheless be selected objectively and without bias.
Ni siquiera pude conseguir un desglose estadístico de lo que estaban recibiendo los principales perceptores de dinero.
I could not even obtain a statistical breakdown of what the biggest recipients of the money were receiving for example.
PHARE se negocia en un juego mutuo con el estado perceptor, con los gobiernos perceptores, cada programa se negocia con los gobiernos.
PHARE is negotiated by means of interaction together with the recipient country, with the recipient governments, and individual projects are negotiated with the governments.
Según EUROSTAT el 77 % de los perceptores de salarios bajos son mujeres.
According to EUROSTAT, approximately 77 % of the recipients of low wages are women.
Ni siquiera pude conseguir un desglose estadístico de lo que estaban recibiendo los principales perceptores de dinero.
I could not even obtain a statistical breakdown of what the biggest recipients of the money were receiving for example.

Context examples for "perceptor" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Usted es perceptor de una renta del Seguro-invalidez SI y llega a la edad de jubilación :
You receive a pension from the Disability Insurance and you reach the retirement age:
Usted es perceptor de una renta de viudo/viuda del SVS y llega a la edad de jubilación :
You receive a widow’s pension from the OASI and you remarried: You should inform as soon as possible the Swiss Compensation Office SCO.
Usted es perceptor de una renta de viudo/viuda del SVS y vuelve a casarse :Usted deberá comunicarlo lo antes posible a la Caja suiza de compensación CSC.
In fact, the right to the widow’s pension is cancelled by the remarriage and in accordance with the art.
Pero en mi país el Estado es perceptor en la producción de cigarrillos y, de cada cajetilla vendida ingresa el 75 % de impuestos.
But in my country, the government is, at the same time, in favour of producing cigarettes, and for every packet sold pockets 75 % tax.