
"peanut" in Spanish

"peanut" in Spanish
As you know, on Monday an unmanned spacecraft went into orbit around a peanut-shaped asteroid called Eros which is not very far from earth.
Como saben ustedes, el lunes una nave espacial sin tripulación entró en órbita alrededor de un asteroide en forma de cacahuete denominado Eros, que no dista mucho de la Tierra.
In this the EU has shown its true colours as a purely economic community that fobs off the socially underprivileged with peanuts and empty words.
En esto, a la UE se le ha visto el plumero como comunidad puramente económica que embauca a los socialmente desfavorecidos con cacahuetes y palabras vanas.
The EU is showing its true colours here as a purely economic community that fobs off the socially disadvantaged with peanuts and empty words.
La UE se está mostrando como realmente es, como una comunidad puramente económica que embauca a los socialmente desfavorecidos con cacahuetes y palabras vanas.
cacahuate{m} [gastro.]

Context examples for "peanut" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Rethinking Palm Oil It's in our candy bars, soap and peanut butter it even powers some of our cars.
The river's waters support 19 endemic fish species, four of which are found in the Nosivolo and nowhere else.