
"patness" in Spanish

"patness" in Spanish
Pat{proper noun}
to pat{transitive verb}
palmada{f} (golpecito amistoso)
he gave him an encouraging pat on the back
le dio una palmada en la espalda para animarlo
I gather that this is his first debate in the plenary and I should like to give him a pat on the back straight away by way of encouragement.
Supongo que este es su primer debate en el pleno y me gustaría darle una palmada en el hombro como gesto de aliento.
. - (FR) The Schmidt report is the annual pat on the back given by Parliament to the European Central Bank for its benevolence.
. - (FR) El informe Schmidt es la palmada anual en la espalda que el Parlamento da al Banco Central Europeo por su benevolencia.
pastilla{f} (de mantequilla)
pat(also: beat, tap, touch, bunt)
pat(also: tap, chuck)
I am going to give you a pat on the back, too, but I am also going to give you a slap on the wrists.
Yo voy a darle igualmente una palmadita en la espalda, pero también voy a darle un tirón de orejas.
I do not agree with all our Members who are delighted and pat themselves on the back for this text.
No estoy de acuerdo con los diputados que están encantados y se dan una palmadita en la espalda por este texto.
In other words, it is not enough to pat ourselves on the back; it is not enough to talk of 10 or 20 or 30 or 40%.
En otras palabras, no basta con darnos una palmadita en la espalda; ni con hablar del 10, el 20, el 30 o el 40 %.
pat(also: bop, tap, flip)
I did not welcome them with a hug and an affectionate pat on the shoulder as President Sarkozy used to.
No les di la bienvenida con un abrazo ni con un golpecito en el hombro como solía hacer el Presidente Sarkozy.
The Commission should not pat itself on the back for making general proclamations; they are no use to us at all!
La Comisión no debería darse golpecitos en la espalada a causa de sus proclamas generales, pues de ello no sacamos absolutamente nada.
This is a subject on which my friend and colleague Pat Cox will be speaking in detail shortly.
Se trata de un tema sobre el cual mi colega y amigo Pat Cox hablará extensamente.
We also ask for your support for the report by Mr Pat Gallagher.
Pat Gallagher.
The European Parliament elects Mr Pat Cox as its president.
El Parlamento Europeo elige Presidente al irlandés Pat Cox
porción{f} [gastro.]
Pat{proper noun}
– MrBarón Crespo, all these requests will be scrupulously passed on to Pat Cox.
– SeñorBarón Crespo, todas estas peticiones se transmitirán escrupulosamente a Pat Cox.
This is a subject on which my friend and colleague Pat Cox will be speaking in detail shortly.
Se trata de un tema sobre el cual mi colega y amigo Pat Cox hablará extensamente.
We also ask for your support for the report by Mr Pat Gallagher.
Pat Gallagher.
pat(also: cushy, cheap, soft, glib)
I should like to acknowledge the wonderful work that our former Irish President, Pat Cox, did while in your Chair by saying that you have a hard act to follow.
Quiero reconocer el excelente trabajo que nuestro anterior Presidente irlandés, Pat Cox, ha desempeñado mientras ocupaba su Presidencia diciendo que no le será fácil igualarle.

Synonyms (English) for "pat":