
"parishioners" in Spanish

feligresía{f} (feligreses)
parroquia{f} (feligresía)
I extend a special greeting to the parishioners of this
feligreses de este santuario-parroquia, testigos directos del gran amor
In many cases, repairs to these churches are phenomenally expensive for parishioners.
En muchos casos, las reparaciones de estas iglesias son increíblemente caras para los feligreses.
I extend a special greeting to the parishioners of this
feligreses de este santuario-parroquia, testigos directos del gran amor
With this in mind we participated in the meeting convened by national caritas where we offered our fraternities organized with parishioners and friends to channel aid.
Se participó en la reunión convocada por caritas nacional, con este fin, posteriormente ofrecimos nuestras fraternidades organizadas con feligreses y amigos para canalizar la ayuda.
parroquiano{m} [rel.]
The parishioner came to fix it himself, seeing that they were slow in doing so, because there were no facilities to secure it well.
El parroquiano vino a fijarlo el mismo, al ver que tardaban mucho en hacerlo, porque faltaba la estructura adecuada para hacerlo bien.
A generous parishioner has offered to put a giant model to replace the belfry and offer shelter from the hot sun so during the Sunday mass.
Un parroquiano generoso ha ofrecido un plástico gigantesco para ponerlo en lugar del campanario para proteger del ardiente sol durante las misas dominicales.
What is more, a priest and his parishioners were denounced for bringing someone who had threatened a priest to the police headquarters.
Es más, un sacerdote y sus parroquianos han sido denunciados por llevar a la comisaría a una persona que había amenazado a un sacerdote.

Context examples for "parishioners" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
among his parishioners
entre sus feligreses